What is Clubhouse and How to Get an Invite — Happily Dwell

Naomi Irons
5 min readFeb 22, 2021
What is Clubhouse and How to Get an Invite — Three teens sitting together with phones in their hands.
Photo by Anna Shvets from Pexels

A new audio only social app has hit the scene. I started hearing the buzz about this new social app called Clubhouse a few months ago. People were looking for invites. Which begs the question, what is Clubhouse and why is everyone so obsessed?

Have you heard of it? It’s a new audio-only chat app. And it’s super fun. Self-described as “drop-in audio chat” by the designers of this new social app that’s generating a lot of buzz. It’s currently invite-only, but you can reserve your username and start networking for an invite.

And I have to admit I’m low key obsessed with Clubhouse.

What is the Clubhouse app you ask? And why do you need an invite?

Again this is all audio only. Which means you can listen and participate worry free of your current environment or appearance. There’s something beautifully unique and special about connecting with our voices. And because it’s audio only, you are getting the real person, in the moment, without any of the polish we use on other social media apps. It’s incredibly refreshing.

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Yes, you need an invite.



Naomi Irons

Do It Yourself projects enthusiast. Celebrating creativity everyday. I’ve been killing it in the organization arena for over 10 years.